Thứ Hai, 11 tháng 6, 2012

Trắc nghiệm kiến thức cơ bản VB.NET

Với 28 câu hỏi cơ bản nhất về ngôn ngữ VB.NET, các bạn thử kiểm tra lại kiến thức của mình ha và đừng quên giải thích cho sự lựa chọn đó nha.

1) How many levels of compilation happens in .NET Framework

a) One
b) Two
c) Three

2) Most of the underlying integration of .NET is done through XML

a) True
b) False

3) An Assemblyinfo file in a VB.NET project will have blank as file extesion.

a) .config
b) .vb
c) .cs

4) Every type supported by CTS is derived from

a) System .Object
b) System .Type
c) System .Data

5) Which of the following Types will have data of fixed size

a) Value Type
b) Reference Type
c) None

6) What is the significance of Option Explicit statement when it is set to On

a) Specifies that any variable name is declared (with type) before use
b) Specifies whether strings should be compared as binary
c) Specifies that variables should be initialized before use

7) Which of the following class does not belong to Collection namespace

a) ArrayList
b) Queue
c) DictionaryList
d) Stack

8) Methods declared with the following modifier are not accessible outside the class

a) Private
b) Protected
c) Friend
d) Global

9) The methods which return the values back to the calling code are called as

a) Constructors
b) Interrogative methods
c) Imperative methods

10) How do you terminate code execute with in a VB.NET method

a) Exit
b) Close Sub
c) Exit Sub
d) Kill

11) How do you create a Read only Property in VB.NET

a) Using Only Get..EndGet with in property definition
b) Using Only Set..EndSet with in property definition
c) Using both Get and Set

12) The constructors in VB.Net is similar to which event in previous versions of VB

a) Class_Load
b) Class_Terminate
c) Class_Initialize

13) Which interface allows to implement the Dispose method to do cleanup work

a) Idestructor
b) Icleanup
c) Idisposable

14) How do you call non shared methods of a class

a) Directly invoking the method name
b) Invoking the method through the instance of that class
c) None of the above

15) How do we implement private interfaces

a) Using Inherits Keyword
b) Private interfaces can not be implemented
c) Using Implements Keyword

16) Where do you find COMException class

a) System.Runtime.Interopservices
b) System.XML
c) System. Data

17) Which method of the XMLdocument class takes xml as string while loading

a) Loadxml ( )
b) Load( )
c) Save ( )

18) Which is the base class for TypedDataset

a) DataReader
b) Dataset
c) DataAdapter

19) Which is the best to retrieve Read-Only, Forward-only stream of data from database

a) Data Set
b) Typed Data Set
c) DataReader

20) The DataAdapter uses which of the following object to retrieve the data from database

a) Connection
b) Command
c) DataReader

21) Which of the method is used to display the form as modal

a) Showdialog( )
b) Activate ( )
c) Loaddialog()
d) Show( )

22) The tool provided with .Net framework to register assemblies for use by COM is

a) Regsvr32
b) Regasm
d) Regedit

23) How do you add Web Methods in VB.Net

a) Add keyword to Method signature
b) Add [WebMethod] on top of the Method Signature
c) Add {WebMethod} on top of the Method Signature

24) How do you refer the current class in VB.Net

a) Me
b) This
c) Super

25) How you refer the parent class in VB.Net

a) Parent
b) MyBase
c) Super

26) The serialization of an Object means that it is written out to a stream

a) True
b) False

27) Which of the following is not a method of Debug class

a) Assert( )
b) Open()
c) Flush( )

28) Vb.Net classes can be derived in C#

a) True
b) False

Editor: Dương Tạ Kim Linh (
Author & Source: N/A

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